Our Initiatives

Our Programs

  1. Balwadi Program ( Preschool preparation program) ( 3 years to 6 years old)

    The most neglected category of children are the ones who have not entered school yet. Motivating children and convincing their mindsets to join the education system rather than labour is essential. Hence our balwadi program focuses on shaping children between the age of 3 years to 6 years through physical, cognitive and socio emotional development activities and motivating them to enter the education system when they reach the eligible age. Through community interaction and regular surveys – preschool children are identified and motivated to join balwadis.

  2. Study Class ( supportive measure) ( 6years - 14 years old)

    Our English Study Class program successfully completed 5 years in 2020. What started as a small pilot project has now reached 3 communities, more than 358 children through 16 classes. It is a robust program including spoken English IT labs . Through sign and letter toolkits- talk charts etc. children are motivated to learn English uniquely.

  3. Non Formal Education ( 7 years - 18 years old)

    his program addresses the need of out-of-school children, serving as a remedial measure , giving these children an opportunity to gain literacy skills which they would have otherwise not have had.

  4. School On Wheels

    School on Wheels has been our pioneering flagship program. It is a bus designed as a mobile classroom. This model of education on wheels was created to reach out to the children that are out-of-school because of them living on the streets or pavements. In a space-crunched city of Mumbai, The School on Wheels acts as an emergency class room taking no space but still providing education.

Check this out for more information about our initiatives

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