picture of admission process

Steps in the Admission Process

1) Shadowing visit (Not applicable during summer months)

The student visits the school for one full day, and then schedules a second visit at the recommendation of the teachers and admissions team. The student will be shadowing one or two students during the day as they attend classes. Parents schedule a meeting with our Business Director during the first visit.

2) Parent interview
The parent interview occurs during the first visiting day with the Admissions Coordinator and the Business Director. The interview provides a chance for the family to ask in-depth questions about being a part of the school. Parents are a critical part of our school community. If a student is admitted, parents are asked to sign a contract regarding fundraising and participation in our governance system. We look forward to working with both parents and their children.

3) Application
If the admissions coordinator, teaching team, student, and parents decide to move forward with the application, then the formal process begins. Parents and student complete and submit the application within the Blackbaud myschool app. In addition to the application, a copy of the student’s current transcripts and two letters of recommendation are required (at least one by a teacher). Once all materials are received, the application is considered complete.

4) Applicant-Teacher Interview
The student is formally interviewed by a member of the teaching staff. We focus on students as quality and collaborative workers and on their ability to become active citizens in our school community. Because of this we ask that students bring examples of work that they are proud of or that illustrate activities or subjects they are passionate about. Examples include, but are not limited to, work that showcases academic or artistic work, group projects, sports, community service, travel experience, dance, theater and any other areas the student is passionate about.

5) Faculty review and Interviews
The application, references, and transcripts are reviewed by the admissions coordinator and teaching staff to determine if the school can meet the academic needs of the student. If the teachers feel TNS is a good fit for the student, the family is notified that they are accepted for enrollment. If the teachers do not feel they can meet the student’s needs, the process ends and the family is notified by the Admissions Coordinator.

6) Next steps upon admission
The family completes the contract and sets up their tuition account within our online system. There is a non-refundable deposit of 2000 required at the time of signing. The deposit is applied to tuition. Families may also apply for financial aid at that time.

7) Enrollment
Upon enrollment, there is a three month trial period to see if the school meets the student’s needs, and to assess if the student is meeting the Student Agreements and the family is fulfilling the terms of the Enrollment Contract. After three months the student is either accepted fully to the school, given an extended trial period, or asked to leave the school.

“In accordance this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability (not all prohibited bases apply to all programs).
