School Statistics

Statistics in student strength







Every year our school invites students to join, as our excellence student ratio gradually been increased, every year there is probably a ratio of 50% to 53% of boys and 45 to 47% of girls students joining our school.

Students studying our school are mostly interested in arts and sciences and also IT, they are more passionate about Knowledge and give bright Achievements to school and for their parents.

Statistics in Sports

Every year our school invites students to join, as our excellence student ratio gradually been increased, every year there is probably a ratio of 50% to 53% of boys and 45 to 47% of girls students joining our school.

Students studying our school are mostly interested in arts and sciences and also IT, they are more passionate about Knowledge and give bright Achievements to school and for their parents.

Statistics in teacher strength

Every year our school invites students to join, as our excellence student ratio gradually been increased, every year there is probably a ratio of 50% to 53% of boys and 45 to 47% of girls students joining our school.

Students studying our school are mostly interested in arts and sciences and also IT, they are more passionate about Knowledge and give bright Achievements to school and for their parents.

Statistics in school growth:

Every year our school invites students to join, as our excellence student ratio gradually been increased, every year there is probably a ratio of 50% to 53% of boys and 45 to 47% of girls students joining our school.

Students studying our school are mostly interested in arts and sciences and also IT, they are more passionate about Knowledge and give bright Achievements to school and for their parents.